Some checks failed
/ check (nvimDev) (push) Successful in 6s
/ check (nvimHeadless) (push) Successful in 2s
/ check (nvimNoBundledBins) (push) Successful in 4s
/ check (nvimNoLsp) (push) Successful in 5s
/ check (nvimNoTSGrammars) (push) Successful in 5s
/ check (treefmt) (push) Successful in 2s
/ check-renovaterc (push) Successful in 2s
/ build (audiomenu) (push) Successful in 2s
/ build (docs) (push) Successful in 3s
/ build (jpassmenu) (push) Successful in 1s
/ build ( (push) Failing after 2s
/ build (nvim) (push) Successful in 8s
/ report-size (push) Has been skipped
Looks cooler c:
244 lines
7.4 KiB
244 lines
7.4 KiB
osConfig ? null,
inherit (config) jhome;
flatpakEnabled = if osConfig != null then else false;
osSway = osConfig == null && !osConfig.programs.sway.enable;
swayPkg = if osSway then pkgs.sway else null;
cfg = jhome.gui;
cursor = {
package = pkgs.nordzy-cursor-theme;
name = "Nordzy-cursors";
iconTheme = {
name = "Papirus-Dark";
package = pkgs.papirus-icon-theme;
config = lib.mkIf (jhome.enable && cfg.enable) {
home.packages =
(with pkgs; [
# Extra fonts
noto-fonts-cjk-sans # Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters
noto-fonts-cjk-serif # Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters
(nerdfonts.override { fonts = [ "NerdFontsSymbolsOnly" ]; })
++ lib.optional flatpakEnabled pkgs.flatpak;
fonts.fontconfig = {
enable = true;
defaultFonts = lib.mkIf config.jhome.styling.enable {
emoji = [ "Noto Color Emoji" ];
monospace = [
"JetBrains Mono"
"Symbols Nerd Font"
serif = [
"Noto Serif"
"Symbols Nerd Font"
sansSerif = [
"Noto Sans"
"Symbols Nerd Font"
# Browser
programs = {
firefox.enable = true;
# Dynamic Menu
fuzzel = {
enable = true;
settings.main = lib.mkIf config.jhome.styling.enable {
icon-theme = "Papirus-Dark";
inherit (cfg) terminal;
layer = "overlay";
# Video player
mpv = {
enable = true;
scripts = builtins.attrValues { inherit (pkgs.mpvScripts) uosc thumbfast; };
# Text editor
nixvim.clipboard.providers.wl-copy.enable = lib.mkDefault true;
# Status bar
waybar = {
enable = true;
systemd.enable = true;
settings = lib.mkIf config.jhome.styling.enable (
import ./waybar-settings.nix { inherit config lib; }
style =
lib.optionalString config.jhome.styling.enable # css
.modules-left #workspaces button {
border-bottom: 3px solid @base01;
.modules-left #workspaces button.persistent {
border-bottom: 3px solid transparent;
# Terminal
wezterm = {
enable = cfg.terminal == "wezterm";
extraConfig =
lib.optionalString config.jhome.styling.enable # lua
local wezterm = require("wezterm")
local config = wezterm.config_builder()
config.front_end = "WebGpu"
config.hide_tab_bar_if_only_one_tab = true
config.window_padding = { left = 1, right = 1, top = 1, bottom = 1 }
return config
alacritty = {
enable = cfg.terminal == "alacritty";
settings = {
# hide mouse when typing, this ensures I don't have to move the mouse when it hides text
mouse.hide_when_typing = true;
# Start zellij when it is enabled
| = lib.mkIf ( && config.programs.zellij.enable) {
program = "${lib.getExe config.programs.zellij.package}";
zellij.enable = cfg.terminal == "alacritty"; # alacritty has no terminal multiplexer built-in
# PDF reader
zathura.enable = true;
# Auto start sway
zsh.loginExtra =
lib.optionalString cfg.sway.autostart # sh
# Start Sway on login to TTY 1
if [ "$TTY" = /dev/tty1 ]; then
exec sway
services = {
# Volume/Backlight control and notifications
avizo = {
enable = true;
settings.default = {
time = 0.8;
border-width = 0;
height = 176;
y-offset = 0.1;
block-spacing = 1;
# Sound tuning
easyeffects.enable = true;
# Auto configure displays
kanshi.enable = lib.mkDefault true;
# Notifications
mako = {
enable = true;
layer = "overlay";
borderRadius = 8;
defaultTimeout = 15000;
# Window Manager
programs.niri = {
package = pkgs.niri; # use nixpkgs' package instead of the flake's
settings = {
binds =
# Modifier key
mod = "Mod";
# Available workspaces (1..=9)
workspaces = lib.range 1 9;
# Run function for each workspace
perWorkspace = f: lib.mergeAttrsList ( f workspaces);
# alias for concatStringsSep
joinWith = lib.strings.concatStringsSep;
with config.lib.niri.actions;
# Open Terminal
"${mod}+Return".action.spawn =
if config.jhome.gui.terminal == "alacritty" then "alacritty" else config.jhome.gui.terminalCommand;
# Open menu
"${mod}+D".action =
spawn "${lib.getExe pkgs.fuzzel}" "--terminal"
"${joinWith " " config.jhome.gui.terminalCommand}";
# Close Window
"${mod}+Q".action = close-window;
# Fullscreen
"${mod}+F".action = fullscreen-window;
# Hotkey help menu
"${mod}+Shift+Slash".action = show-hotkey-overlay;
# Media Keys
"XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = {
action = spawn "${pkgs.avizo}/bin/volumectl" "up";
allow-when-locked = true;
"XF86AudioLowerVolume" = {
action = spawn "${pkgs.avizo}/bin/volumectl" "down";
allow-when-locked = true;
"XF86AudioMute" = {
action = spawn "${pkgs.avizo}/bin/volumectl" "toggle-mute";
allow-when-locked = true;
# FIXME: swaylock is missing so this doesn't work anyways
# Lock screen
# "XF86ScreenSaver".action = spawn "swaylock" "--image" "${cfg.background}";
# Screen brightness
"XF86MonBrightnessUp".action = spawn "${pkgs.avizo}/bin/lightctl" "up";
"XF86MonBrightnessDown".action = spawn "${pkgs.avizo}/bin/lightctl" "down";
// perWorkspace (workspace: {
# Focus workspace N
"${mod}+${builtins.toString workspace}".action = focus-workspace workspace;
# Set cursor style
stylix = lib.mkIf config.jhome.styling.enable { inherit cursor; };
home.pointerCursor = lib.mkIf config.jhome.styling.enable (
lib.mkDefault {
gtk.enable = true;
inherit (cursor) name package;
# Set Gtk theme
gtk = lib.mkIf config.jhome.styling.enable {
enable = true;
inherit iconTheme;
gtk3.extraConfig.gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = 1;
gtk4.extraConfig.gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = 1;
# Set Qt theme
qt = lib.mkIf config.jhome.styling.enable {
enable = true;
| = "gtk";
| = [