use std::{ ffi::OsStr, fmt::Write as _, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use clap::Parser; use duct::cmd; use miette::{bail, ensure, Context, IntoDiagnostic, Result}; fn main() -> Result<()> { miette::set_panic_hook(); env_logger::builder() .filter_level(log::LevelFilter::Info) .parse_default_env() .try_init() .into_diagnostic()?; Opts::parse().run() } impl Opts { fn run(self) -> Result<()> { log::debug!("parsed opts {self:?}"); let Self { typeit, store_dir, pass_bin, menu_bin, menu_args, } = self; let store_dir = resolve_home(store_dir); // Search paths log::info!("looking for entries in {}", store_dir.display()); let mut paths = ignore::Walk::new(&store_dir) .filter_map(|entry| { let entry = entry.ok()?; if entry.file_type()?.is_file() && entry.path().extension() == Some(OsStr::new("gpg")) { let path = entry.path(); Some( path.strip_prefix(&store_dir) .unwrap_or(path) .with_extension("") .into_boxed_path(), ) } else { None } }) .collect::>>(); paths.sort_unstable(); ensure!( !paths.is_empty(), "failed to find entries in {}", store_dir.display() ); log::debug!("found entries: {paths:#?}"); // Concatenate all paths let paths = paths .into_iter() .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, it| { writeln!(acc, "{}", it.display()).map(|_| acc) }) .into_diagnostic() .wrap_err("preparing paths")?; // Show dynamic menu let selected = cmd(menu_bin, menu_args) .stdin_bytes(paths.as_bytes()) .read() .into_diagnostic() .wrap_err("failed to run menu and retrieve the selected entry")?; let selected = selected.trim(); if selected.is_empty() { bail!("no password entry selected"); } // Prepare env dir let env_store = std::env::var_os("PASSWORD_STORE_DIR"); let set_env = if let Some(env_store) = env_store { if store_dir != env_store { Some(store_dir) } else { None } } else if store_dir == Path::new("~/.password-store") { None } else { Some(store_dir) }; // Prepare pass command let args = if typeit { vec!["show", selected] } else { vec!["show", "-c", selected] }; let pass = cmd(pass_bin, args); let pass = if let Some(env) = set_env { pass.env("PASSWORD_STORE_DIR", env) } else { pass }; // Copy password to clipboard if !typeit { .into_diagnostic() .wrap_err("failed to copy password to clipboard")?; return Ok(()); } // Retrieve password let pass_entry = pass .read() .into_diagnostic() .wrap_err("failed to retrieve password")?; let Some(password) = pass_entry.lines().next() else { bail!("failed to retrieve password or entry was empty"); }; // Type password with ydotool cmd("ydotool", &["type", "--file", "-"]) .stdin_bytes(password.as_bytes()) .run() .into_diagnostic() .wrap_err("failed to type password with ydotool")?; Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug, Parser)] struct Opts { /// Type the password instead of copying it to the clipboard #[arg(long("type"))] typeit: bool, #[arg(long, env("PASSWORD_STORE_DIR"), default_value = "~/.password-store")] store_dir: PathBuf, /// Path to the pass binary /// /// Needs to support `pass show` and `pass show -c` #[arg(long, default_value = "pass")] pass_bin: String, /// Path to the dynamic menu binary #[arg(long, default_value = "fuzzel")] menu_bin: String, /// Args to the dynamic menu #[arg(long, default_value = "--dmenu")] menu_args: Vec, } fn resolve_home(path: PathBuf) -> PathBuf { if let Ok(path) = path.strip_prefix("~") { if let Some(home) = std::env::var_os("HOME") { let mut home = PathBuf::from(home); home.push(path); return home; } } path }