{ lib, pkgs, config, ... }: let cfg = config.jhome.nvim; plugins = pkgs.vimPlugins; extraPlugins = import ./extraPlugins { inherit pkgs; }; in { imports = [ ./options.nix ./plugins.nix ./dev-plugins.nix ./mappings.nix ./augroups.nix ]; config = lib.mkMerge [ { withRuby = false; globals.mapleader = " "; # Appearance colorschemes.gruvbox = { enable = true; settings = { bold = true; transparent_mode = true; terminal_colors = true; }; }; opts = { number = true; relativenumber = true; colorcolumn = "+1"; cursorline = true; wrap = false; splitright = true; # Tabs & indentation smarttab = true; autoindent = true; smartindent = true; # Search path path = ".,/usr/include,**"; wildmenu = true; hlsearch = true; incsearch = true; ignorecase = true; # Search ignores cases smartcase = true; # Unless it has a capital letter # Enable local configuration :h 'exrc' exrc = true; # safe since nvim 0.9 }; extraPlugins = [ plugins.nui-nvim plugins.nvim-web-devicons plugins.vim-jjdescription # FIXME: included since neovim nightly ]; extraPackages = [ pkgs.luajitPackages.jsregexp ]; extraConfigLuaPre = # lua '' -- Lua Pre Config if vim.fn.has 'termguicolors' then -- Enable RGB colors vim.g.termguicolors = true end -- Useful function local has_words_before = function() -- unpack = unpack or table.unpack local line, col = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)) return col ~= 0 and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, line - 1, line, true)[1]:sub(col, col):match '%s' == nil end -- END: Lua Pre Config ''; } # Big packages that are kinda unnecessary (lib.mkIf (!cfg.reduceSize) { extraPlugins = [ extraPlugins.nvim-silicon ]; extraPackages = [ pkgs.silicon ]; extraConfigLua = # lua '' -- Lua Config require("nvim-silicon").setup { theme = "gruvbox-dark", pad_horiz = 16, pad_vert = 16, -- Current buffer name window_title = function() return vim.fn.fnamemodify( vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()), ":t" ) end, } -- END: Lua Config ''; }) ]; }