{ lib, pkgs, config, helpers, ... }: let inherit (helpers) enableExceptInTests; cfg = config.jhome.nvim; enabledLSPs = [ "basedpyright" "bashls" "clangd" # "html" # Not writing html "jsonls" "marksman" "ruff" "taplo" # "texlab" # Not using it "typos_lsp" # "typst_lsp" # Not using it "zls" "fish_lsp" ]; in { config = lib.mkIf cfg.dev.enable ( lib.mkMerge [ # Enable LSPs { plugins.lsp.servers = lib.genAttrs enabledLSPs (_: { enable = true; }); } # Remove bundled LSPs (lib.mkIf (!cfg.dev.bundleLSPs) { plugins.lsp.servers = lib.genAttrs enabledLSPs (_: { package = null; }); }) # Configure LSPs { plugins = { lsp = { enable = true; servers = { # Pyright needs to have the project root set? basedpyright.rootDir = # lua '' function() return vim.fs.root(0, {'flake.nix', '.git', '.jj', 'pyproject.toml', 'setup.py'}) end ''; bashls.package = lib.mkDefault pkgs.bash-language-server; # Adds ~2 GiB, install in a devShell instead clangd.package = lib.mkDefault null; # zls & other zig tools are big, install in a devShell instead zls.package = lib.mkDefault null; }; }; lspkind = { enable = true; mode = "symbol"; extraOptions.maxwidth = 50; }; lsp-lines.enable = true; }; } # Configure Treesitter { plugins.treesitter = { enable = true; settings = { highlight.enable = true; indent.enable = true; incremental_election.enable = true; }; }; } # Do not bundle treesitter grammars (lib.mkIf (!cfg.dev.bundleGrammars) { plugins.treesitter.grammarPackages = [ ]; }) # Remove tools for building gramars when bundling them (lib.mkIf cfg.dev.bundleGrammars { plugins.treesitter = { gccPackage = null; nodejsPackage = null; treesitterPackage = null; }; }) # Configure Formatters { extraPackages = [ pkgs.luajitPackages.jsregexp pkgs.shfmt pkgs.stylua pkgs.taplo pkgs.yamlfmt pkgs.fish ]; plugins.conform-nvim = { enable = true; settings = { formatters.nixfmt.command = "${lib.getExe pkgs.nixfmt-rfc-style}"; formatters_by_ft = { "_" = [ "trim_whitespace" ]; c = [ "clang_format" ]; cpp = [ "clang_format" ]; lua = [ "stylua" ]; nix = [ "nixfmt" ]; rust = [ "rustfmt" ]; sh = [ "shfmt" ]; toml = [ "taplo" ]; yaml = [ "yamlfmt" ]; zig = [ "zigfmt" ]; fish = [ "fish_indent" ]; }; }; }; } # Configure Linters { extraPackages = [ pkgs.dash pkgs.statix ]; plugins.lint = { enable = true; lintersByFt = { # latex = [ "chktex" ]; # Not in use nix = [ "statix" ]; sh = [ "dash" ]; }; }; } # Jupyter notebooks { extraPackages = [ (pkgs.python3.withPackages (p: [ p.jupytext ])) ]; plugins = { image.enable = enableExceptInTests; jupytext = { enable = true; settings.custom_language_formatting.python = { extension = "md"; style = "markdown"; force_ft = "markdown"; }; }; molten = { enable = true; settings = { image_provider = "image.nvim"; virt_text_output = true; molten_auto_open_output = false; molten_virt_lines_off_by_1 = true; }; }; }; } # Rust plugins { plugins = { bacon = { enable = true; settings.quickfix.enabled = true; }; rustaceanvim = { enable = true; # Install through rustup rustAnalyzerPackage = null; }; }; } # Other plugins { plugins = { colorizer = { enable = true; settings.user_default_options = { names = false; # disable named colors (i.e. red) mode = "virtualtext"; }; }; otter.enable = true; }; } ] ); }